Today is the day this blog changes FOREVER.....!!!!
Nah, I'm just kidding, but I am going to be doing something a little bit different today. I went to England this summer, not for the Olympics, like most are doing (in fact I avoided all the Olympic shinanigans as much as possible haha) but as a part of my annual trip to visit family and friends!
While we're on this topic something you won't know is I was born in England and lived there until I was 8, then we moved to the US and have been here ever since. To this day I wish we still lived in the jolly old land of brollies and tea but alas, those dreams may have to wait a few years yet! ;)
Anyway, back to the reason for this post! As with any holiday, annual or spontaneous, one must spend exponentially more money than they would usually spend on any regular shopping trip! Not necessarily by much, but more nonetheless, or else it's just no fun! So yes, I did some shopping, not too much, I did manage to control myself thank goodness.
Let's get to the pictures then, shall we? I believe this post is rambly enough.
So these are most of the things that I bought while I was on my jolly hols~ everything from clothes and magazines to souvenirs! So let's look at them individually shall we? I'll describe the parts of my trip that they came from as we go along! :)
As you can see in this picture it has all the major cities of the UK written throughout the Union Jack! I thought it was adorable and couldn't resist. I have now happily added it to my over sized collection of mugs I KNEW it was missing something, I can have peace of mind now... However... I'm running out of shelves, oh dear~ (And if anyone's interested I bought this from Tesco for about £2, yay bargin~)
Next is a Hello Kitty plushie decked out in not only UK garb but a bit of specifically English garb (note the button on her bow, that would be our flag)! She was just so cute and Anglicised that I could not resist, again I'm sure Team GB would approve of my patriotism (not to mention she matched my mug)! (And she is also from Tesco for about £1)
These magazines are definitely a bit of a wild card of the bunch as they're not really English in the slightest. I bought them in London on Regent Street in a shop I go to every year. It's called Japan Centre (yes RE not ER for any of my US friends that may be tempted to correct me ;) ) and as I'm currently learning Japanese, what better way to learn how to speak (or write) more colloquially than with magazines? I don't want to sound like a talking text book now do I?
I went with a couple of really close friends (we're all like sisters :3), also fellow Harry Potter fans, to the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Set Tour and it was absolutely incredible; worth every penny! The amount of detail in the sets, props, and costumes was just phenomenal even the amount of computer graphics that you'd almost never know were there is perfectly executed the attention to the little things is what made it a mind blowing experience, for sure~ :)
There was a gift shop at the end of the tour and I restrained myself from buying a school uniform, my childhood dream! I was devastated on my 11th Birthday, as I'm sure many of us were, when there was no owl ready and waiting to slide my Hogwarts acceptance letter through the letter box... sigh, but I suppose Pottermore will have to suffice! Speaking of which I'm a Hufflepuff, which leads me to this....
... I finally bought something to show my House loyalty! :) It just a little felt flag, and for such a thing was mighty expensive, let me tell you... Warner Brothers knows how to hike up their prices, but they also know we'll all be willing to pay whatever they print on their stickers, so both sides are to blame really! Haha
I was actually very, very proud of myself with this next one. I only bought one item of clothing! It was just calling my name when I walked into Next; how could I resist the call of such a darling jumper, hm? .... Regardless of any suggestions on how I could go about doing such a I thing, I obviously didn't succeed, I regret nothing of course! Have I mentioned I have an obsession with clothes that have hearts on them? Welp, now you know~
And last but not least the only beauty item I bought, which I was equally as proud of myself for being so restrained! I had plans to buy this long before we left for the UK as even with the exchange rate this is significantly cheaper ($12 cheaper to be precise) to buy en Angleterre than in the US! (However, I discovered as we went through duty-free at the airport on our way back that it would've been $15.50 cheaper had I thought about duty-free, so next time I'll buy it there and save even more!) I have only tried this once so far (and am truly, madly, deeply, irrevocably in love...) but if anyone would like a review feel free to let me know and I'd be happy to write one! :)
And apart from some Laduree macarons from Harrods and some PuriKura (stickers from a Japanese photobooth) photos from Chinatown that's all I bought! All in all it was a lovely trip even excluding my exciting purchases!
I hope you've all had a good summer so far, and are having fun watching the Olympics!
Also if you read all of this and enjoyed it, I would love to hear what you have to say!
Go Team GB♡
P.S. while I'm here, here's a picture of my current nails inspired by my Nail UP! magazine :) This was a colour that I received in my Birchbox this month :) If you'd like a tutorial on it let me know and I'll do my best! :)
First we have my Union Jack (technically Union Flag, as it's not on a boat, but let's just skip over the technicalities) mug! :) In the spirit of the Olympics and Team GB I felt it was my duty to buy some UK themed things that would make said team proud, at least that's what I told myself!
As you can see in this picture it has all the major cities of the UK written throughout the Union Jack! I thought it was adorable and couldn't resist. I have now happily added it to my over sized collection of mugs I KNEW it was missing something, I can have peace of mind now... However... I'm running out of shelves, oh dear~ (And if anyone's interested I bought this from Tesco for about £2, yay bargin~)
Next is a Hello Kitty plushie decked out in not only UK garb but a bit of specifically English garb (note the button on her bow, that would be our flag)! She was just so cute and Anglicised that I could not resist, again I'm sure Team GB would approve of my patriotism (not to mention she matched my mug)! (And she is also from Tesco for about £1)
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L-R Popteen August 2012(ポップチィーン2012年8月), Nail UP! May 2012 (ネイルUP! 2012年5月), Seventeen August 2012 (セベンチィーン 2012年8月) |
I went with a couple of really close friends (we're all like sisters :3), also fellow Harry Potter fans, to the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Set Tour and it was absolutely incredible; worth every penny! The amount of detail in the sets, props, and costumes was just phenomenal even the amount of computer graphics that you'd almost never know were there is perfectly executed the attention to the little things is what made it a mind blowing experience, for sure~ :)
There was a gift shop at the end of the tour and I restrained myself from buying a school uniform, my childhood dream! I was devastated on my 11th Birthday, as I'm sure many of us were, when there was no owl ready and waiting to slide my Hogwarts acceptance letter through the letter box... sigh, but I suppose Pottermore will have to suffice! Speaking of which I'm a Hufflepuff, which leads me to this....
... I finally bought something to show my House loyalty! :) It just a little felt flag, and for such a thing was mighty expensive, let me tell you... Warner Brothers knows how to hike up their prices, but they also know we'll all be willing to pay whatever they print on their stickers, so both sides are to blame really! Haha
I was actually very, very proud of myself with this next one. I only bought one item of clothing! It was just calling my name when I walked into Next; how could I resist the call of such a darling jumper, hm? .... Regardless of any suggestions on how I could go about doing such a I thing, I obviously didn't succeed, I regret nothing of course! Have I mentioned I have an obsession with clothes that have hearts on them? Welp, now you know~
And apart from some Laduree macarons from Harrods and some PuriKura (stickers from a Japanese photobooth) photos from Chinatown that's all I bought! All in all it was a lovely trip even excluding my exciting purchases!
I hope you've all had a good summer so far, and are having fun watching the Olympics!
Also if you read all of this and enjoyed it, I would love to hear what you have to say!
Go Team GB♡
P.S. while I'm here, here's a picture of my current nails inspired by my Nail UP! magazine :) This was a colour that I received in my Birchbox this month :) If you'd like a tutorial on it let me know and I'll do my best! :)
Haha! I love how you write and I totally envy you! I really want to learn Japanese, but I'm unable to do that. (since my country don't give Japanese classes)
ReplyDeleteAnd your Hello Kitty is very cute! Again I envy you.
Aw, thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying what you read! :) Oh well I'm actually self taught (for the most part) in Japanese! I have a friend whose had Japanese classes and she teaches me sometimes and corrects mistakes when I make them :) I mostly learn from books, dramas and jpop though :) Thank you! I'm obsessed with Hello Kitty there is no doubt there shall be many more appearances from her on this blog :)
DeleteThanks again,
Take Care,
That British Hello Kitty is too cute for words X3 More Hello Kitty is always appreciated :D
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't realize there was a Japan Center in London. There's one in San Francisco :D Are there Japanese people in London? There are lots of Japanese people and other Asian nationalities within San Francisco.
And your nails are so pretty :D I think I saw this manicure on Facebook.
What is that beauty item from YSL? I've never heard of it. I've heard of YSL, but not that particular item. Am curious now :3
And yay for the Harry Potter set? XD I'm not a big fan myself, but for a fan I imagine that was quite the experiences :D I didn't realize it was filmed in LOndon. I saw one of the movies, and all I remember is that it was just okay. . .
Good luck with learning Japanese :) That's so awesome that you've managed to teach yourself. And here I have my own personal tutor, and I've yet to learn :$
Aw, thank you~ Indeed it is, I have at least five plushies on my bed alone ;) Oh really? How cool, yeah I go to it every year! OH yes, London is a bit like the US in that it's a huge melting pot of nationalities :3 Thank you~ Glad you like them :P haha yeah you probs did >w< AH it's the Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation... if you've heard of the Touche Éclat pen (fell in love with that too! haha), it's basically that in a foundation form! It's a beautiful foundation, gives you glowy perfect skin without feeling heaving or looking cakey, definitely a favourite! :3 AHAH I'm not sure if the sets were in a different warehouse and they moved them to Watford (London-ish xD) for the Set Tour itself... I'd have to look it up! AHAH thank you I look at the Manga you sent me (AAAGES ago) from time to time... I find Manga Japanese almost like a whole other dialect of its own, girls can say very masculine things and use language that only much older individuals can use, it's a bit confusing... BUT I shall prevail I won't give up it's just part of the fun... being confused xD Ah~ Thank you~ I've had a lot of help from a friend of mine, she took lessons for 4 years, I find it really fun! :P AHAHA xD It can be lots of fun~ Maybe you should give it a try ;D LOL
ReplyDeleteLots of Love~ xxxx <3 <3 <3