Wednesday, January 16, 2013

[Lifestyle] ☆♡Birthday♡☆

Hello~ So, judging by the title I can imagine you know what this is going to be about! ;D haha My birthday was on Monday. While I didn't have any real plans set in place (like a party) I did decide that I wanted to have a bit of a tea party. It was loads of fun~ And everything I hoped it would be! I'm not much of a proper party person so this kind of celebratory event is the perfect kind for me; small and quiet! :) 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

[Haul & Lifestyle] Happy New Year & Christmas Present Highlights

Well hello, hello~

First of all, I hope you had a Wonderful Holiday and 2013 is treating you well so far and continue to do so! I know we all seem to say it every year but I really can't believe how quickly 2012 flew by. I barely had time to get used to writing the right year.

Of course, I must apologise for being MIA for so long! Contrary to popular belief I have not, in fact, fallen off the face of the earth... Quite the opposite, I've just been very busy since early October with exams, holidays, work and... blogger's block, I suppose I'll call it. But do not fear I'm back and hoping that this New Year will encourage me to make a fresh start on actually posting here regularly :) (fingers crossed)