Sunday, October 7, 2012

[Haul] Ebay: Korean Stationary

Hello~hellooo~ I've been away for AGES! Much, much longer than I planned, I'm so sorry. I missed my little blog but I had to take some time off due to midterms and just a generally large workload at Uni, regrettably it had to be left deserted for a short time. But I'm back and couldn't be more excited to bring you a very pastel-coloured, happy little haul!


All the items pictured can be found at this ebay store. I highly reccomend taking a look around  :)

I've been wanting to get my life all organised ever since I did a HUGE sweep of my bedroom earlier this year. I tidied and tidied and tidied some more until it became as immaculate as immaculate can be and I'm proud to say it's stayed that way ever since! However, everything else could still do with a bit of tidying, and that is just what I plan to start doing! :) (so don't judge the fact that I bought three planners... I have convinced myself that I need three.... hah xD)

And now for the photos~ Forward march! 

First, we have a "Study Planner", quite self explanatory, this is the planner I'll be using for school. It's a 12 month planner (hence the large "12" on the label), it's also undated, so you write the dates in yourself. It has a lovely peachy pink cover on it with gold embossed letters, very swish if you ask me! It has all sorts of organisation tools inside, like planning for exams, your goals and structuring your days and nights. I thought about showing all the different pages in pictures, but this post will have enough pictures as is, I didn't want it to be overwhelming. If you would, however, like to see what the pages look like just let me know and I'll try and make a separate post for it. :)

Next! My "Light Planner" which is essentially going to be my blog planner/the planner I take everywhere. I think of ideas to post all the time and I don't write them down so I forget about them, but with this I'm hoping that will no longer happen! 

Here's what the (about) first quarter of the planner looks like; the "Monthly Plan" section, it's double paged, full calendars. At the very front of it you have your "yearly plan" and "yearly checklist" pages, similar to the study planner. As you can see this is a dated planner (2013) as is the last one I'm going to show you below, so I'm actually waiting until November to start the "Study Planner" as well (I want them to be all even... I'm so excited to use them, the wait is killing me!) :) There are also "Daily Plan" pages divided into sections. And like the title suggests, it is in fact rather light, so it won't be heavy to throw in a hand bag, school bag, or carry on when going on a trip. 

Here we have my "at home" planner, and this one has quite an obvious purpose as well, this will be for things like people's birthdays, important appointments that I need to remember basically just personal bits and bobs that I don't want to forget! But I also want to try structuring my free time a bit more to get me off the internet (as much as I love it I want to start doing more with my days (other than pressing REFRESH it always pulls me back in), and I think structure is just the ticket~). The pages in this one are incredibly cute, it has little pictures for every month based on what's going on, I just had to take pictures of Decemeber it's too sweet not to show off! :)

While I was adding all these lovely planners to my cart, I took a peek at some other things too. I happened to remember I've been looking for a new pencil case for Uni recently. One that will encourage me to reduce the amount of pens and pencils I drag around at school, as I'm sure this will lighten my bag by a significant amount! So I chose this one, it's a "duo" pencil case, meaning it has two pouches (for organisation). It's baby pink and neon orange and it has little pop-y buttons (I'm sure those have a real name!) so you can actually open it up and lay it flat if you like.

I actually really like the combination of light pink and neon orange, it's really eye-catching!

I couldn't have new planners and a new pencil case without getting new pens as well! Hah these are in lovely bright and pastel colours that I thought would do a fab job of making decorating my planners even more fun; I plan to make these books very cute and colourful!

Speaking of cute and fun decorating, I also bought stickers! These were just calling my name as I was scrolling through this ebay store! I can't read much hangul (a liiiittle bit, but it takes me forever and a day to properly read a character! xD), but I'm going to figure some out before I use them (I want to apply them in the right places, don't I? hah)! :)

The first set are more for highlighting and crossing things out (scribbles are no where near as cute without faces)!

This pack has ENDLESS stickers, there are 10 sheets this size! I don't think I'm ever going to be able to use them all! I can't wait to get a good look at the rest of them!

And last we have some "Momoi" stickers! She has brown hair and a fringe, like me, so I just had to get them. Plus, the expressions are just adorable~

Phew, well, if you survived all of that and are now reading this, I applaud you! That ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated! haha

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that! I'll try my very, very hardest to update much sooner next time. Look forward to it, alright? :3

Until then 

Do you like using hand written planners to keep you organised? Do you prefer digital methods instead?


  1. *flails* I love stationary :D Although I prefer Japanese, but I think that's more expensive? I had a Japanese planner that was so adorable :3 It had the theme of fairy tales. As cute as it was though, I never could bring myself to use it that often. I'm lazy >_>

    And stickers 8D I love stickers. One can never have enough stickers!!!

    The pens are so pretty and colorful :) Hopefully they add a little fun to college because college can be very boring and tedious. I should know, I was in college for 9 years XD

    That pencil case is also adorable :3 I had a few Japanese ones, and I used them utnil they got fairly banged up. So much cuteness!!!


    1. HAHA I love stationary too! Ah, I like both! Awwww so CUUUuTE~ I know I have that problem too, if somethings TOO cute I can't bring myself to touch it either! xD Nope, there's NO SUCH THING as TOO MANY STICKERS~ >w< Oh yes, tedious doesn't even begin to describe how frustrating it can be sometimes xD Ack, you deserve some sort of MEDAL for that! xD Thank you~ Pastels are definitely my favourite colour family at the mo~ :3
      Lots of Love
      ~Annalie <3 xxxx

  2. I'm glad you got and enjoyed something from my home country. Some of the stuff in Korea I find addicting as well. Also,I want to know if you will be doing any more covers on Leeandlie. I really love Lacrimosa and your duets with Amanda. Will you be releasing any new ones sometime soon?
